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How to Turn Website Content to PDF

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Sometimes you read some articles on the internet and wish to have it on a hard copy, but this is something you have to figure out yourself on how you could get that achieved within some seconds instead of printing it out on paper you can just get it in form of pdf all cleaned out. Is this that easy?

Of course getting text out of the webpage might require you copy some text directly from a web page to a text editor like Microsoft word; But in this case what we have to do is to make use of a particular tool that can help you extract the content of the page and get you the actual text and photos or images within the page.

Let’s try one of my favorite tool called “Print Friendly”. Printfriendly is a bookmarklet script written as JavaScript that helps you to extract the content of a page with just a click. All you have to do is to visit the website drag and drop the bookmarklet tool to your bookmark area of your browser and you can start working with it immediately.

I Find this tool very useful for me on daily basis especially when I want to get some text out as fast as possible to work with it later.

How do you use PrintFriendly

How to Use Printfriendly to Extract Content

Method 1

  1. Visit a webpage of your choice from the bookmark area of your browser click printfriendly if you already have it bookmarked or saved on your bookmarks.
  2. Delete the content you don’t need with just a click of the delete icon as you point to each paragraph
  3. Reduce or increase the quality of image that you need if you don’t need them set it to 0% if you don’t need images in your page.
  4. When you are done cleaning it up yourself
    1. Click on download to download it in pdf this will be saved in your local PC
    2. Click on the email icon to send it to an email address
    3. Or click on the print icon to print it on hard copy i.e on paper

Methods 2

  1. Visit the page you want to extract
  2. Copy the url of that page
  3. Visit printfriendly.com
  4. Paste the url on the textbox available on the homepage
  5. Click preview
    1. clicks on download to download it in pdf this will be saved in your local pc
    2. Click on the email icon to send it to an email address
    3. Or click on the print icon to print it on hard copy i.e on paper

This method to is very useful for people using mobile devices.

If you have other method or tools that you can use for extracting page content and print out, please suggest at the comment box.

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