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What is a Virus?

A computer virus is a program that replicates itself by copying itself to another program. In other words, computer virus replicates or spreads by copying itself into other executable programs or documents. Computer virus is created to first infect then get access and control a computer to steal user important data. Viruses are designed by hackers with a venomous intent ...

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How To Prevent Malware

Strong Password Don’t try using the same password, especially on your bank account. Typically, internet surfers use one email address, one username for all other accounts on websites. These are easy to see and steal. If eventually you use one password for everything or different accounts and gets noticed, then it takes only seconds to hack your account. So a ...

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What is Malware

Malware is a software that causes harm to individual computers or an organization network.  it is a written program with the intention of causing harm to Computers, Phones, and other portable devices. Software developers are responsible for the creation of malware with the intention of gaining access to locked away documents. Are all Malware Dangerous Yes! All Malware are considered ...

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